Art - Even when the lights go down
Multiluminous 3-in-1 GLOW IN THE DARK PRINTS


My mission is to make your life more colorful. I want to give you the kind of experience that cheers up your days and nights, fills your heart with happiness, and enchants you. I invite you into a place where you can dream, into the world of unlimited imagination. I would like to reach out to the curious child who always hides within you.

I share my lens with you.. As you might already know, this site is dedicated to light. For me, light is one of the most mysterious phenomena, a magical discovery. We think we know so many things about it, because it shows itself, it’s around us all the time. However, we cannot see the full spectra with our limited human eyes. We can only guess and investigate these new colors, this whole new world.

Let me show you our environment in a different way, through my own eyes, enjoy the view...

I believe searching for answers in our life is indispensable, therefore looking at things in different ways may help us understand more - even about ourselves. Multiluminism as a philosophy is meant to summarise and reflect different shades of human elements projected on our surroundings. My goal is to bring this experience to everyone in the world. I think about all the people who feel enclosed in their living space or their minds. I would like to cheer them up a little bit in any way I can.    I believe that through my art, I can introduce people to light and this extraordinary range of its spectrum. This magical world full of new colors has so much more to offer than people believed in the past few decades. I feel personally obligated to elevate UV colors to the niveau they deserve so that the art world and the public wouldn't pigeonhole it again as a sort of pop-disco effect but treat it seriously.

I would like to see more and more people take the courage and employ these colors so that a new artistic direction could be born, "multiluminism," so to say, where the focus would again shift to light and colors. I would like people to truly see that colors have so much more to offer than they have ever thought.
I will share all the discoveries I have made so far about nature and our environment, where these colors may also be found if we use proper light sources. Like all artists, I can't show you anything brand new per se, only the true beauty and wonders of nature and our world from my perspective through my creations. My work and art are what don't let a part of me grow up - like a child; I still live in the undiscovered, secret world of these colors.

I'm enchanted and would like to enchant others as well.


The universe that seems so distant but is our cradle at the same time... the universe that we understand so little of. But still, all its secrets lie hidden inside us: its materials, its energies that surround us and are inside us. The idea is that we can gain the sensation of overcoming distances that our eyes judge to be vast and that we can abolish these imaginary confines, even if only visually.

I love to conceive a project and then accomplish it with my own hands. I work in different areas of art, such as painting, sculpture, interior design, pottery, modeling, furniture design, photography, video, body painting, and more. As is typical for my work, my art glows in the dark and works particularly well with UV lighting. My artworks always have a precise reason: I want to tell a story, draw attention to a special situation, create feelings and emotions, encourage people to think critically, inspire others, and motivate others to do the same. That´s why I choose my jobs very carefully and accept a request only if I am convinced by the project and am allowed to implement my own ideas. The most important thing is that the final artwork looks harmonious and communicates the message I wanted to create.

Bogi Fabian Glow in the dark mural painting UNIVERSE IN YOU

Artwork is a present for everyone who looks at it and enjoys the message of it...
